Integration with Existing Website

MemberLeap is designed to be integrated with our custom-built, mobile-friendly websites, so the work of maintaining the content of the website and handling the daily business of your organization (membership, events, etc.) can all be handled through the same system.

However, if you have an existing website and just want to link to a Membership Portal, we can create Admin Portal and Member Portal webpages, which are designed to conform with your current website branding. It will provide both your Admins and members with quick access to various modules within the back-end of our software. Your logo at the top of the page will link to your existing website's home page, so they can easily navigate back to your website. Your webmaster will also be provided with system links, so our webpages can be linked to from your website.

View Example of Integrated Membership Portal

It is always more cost-effective to purchase MemberLeap in conjunction with one of our affordable website packages for a more seamless integration with our software.

Learn more about the integration process.

Affordable Integration Options and MemberLeap Configuration

Membership Portal and Template Website Options
  • Membership Portal - We will add your logo with a link to your home page and your contact information, and we will brand it to match your colors (i.e.
  • Member Only Template Website - After you select a website from our gallery of templates that best represents your organization, we will add your logo and tagline to the header and your contact information to the footer, and we will brand it to match your logo and colors (i.e.    
  • Template Sub-Site - We will create a secondary website for your conference or foundation (i.e.
Membership PortalMembership PortalMembership Portal and Member Only Template WebsiteMembership Portal and Template Sub-Site Option
Web Hosting Package
  • Basic - It accommodates most organization's needs - 8 GB of storage. 
  • Enhanced - It is recommended if you need to store a large number of video and audio files  - 16 GB of storage.
  • Enterprise - It provides even more storage - 32 GB of storage.
Member Data Conversion
The number of member records is dependent on the total of records requiring unique usernames and passwords. Non-member records and email list records can be uploaded for an additional minimal charge.  

Your current member data (limited to one file (CSV, XLS, or TXT) with one tab with up to 50 fields/columns) will be converted and loaded into your database.  There is an extra setup cost for files with more than 50 fields wide, and this fee is determined after analyzing a sample of your data.  

Up to 1,000 member records included

Up to 2,500 member records included

Up to 5,000 member records includedUp to 7,500 member records included
Advanced MemberLeap Configuration
We will configure your account to meet your organization's specific needs (set up membership plans, add dynamic custom data fields, create welcome letter, geocode members, set up membership billing, create initiate invoice and payment records, etc.).
2 hours4 hours6 hours8 hours
Payment Processing 
In order to collect online payments for new member dues, renewal dues, event registration fees, donations, and store purchases, you will need to have a credit card merchant account or PayPal account. Please visit our Payment Processing webpage to see if your current provider is a supported gateway; if not, there will be an additional cost to integrate with your provider.

Supported gateways are included

Supported gateways are included

Supported gateways are includedSupported gateways are included

Online Training Sessions
We offer an extensive online help system and provide ticket-based email and phone support, but to onboard your staff, our  online training sessions are very helpful in introducing all the modules and their respective features. These sessions will be recorded and placed in your File Archive for reference later. As needed, additional sessions can be purchased later through the ticket system.

2 sessions3 sessions4 sessions5 sessions
Google Analytics 
We will set up your new template website with analytics as well as the initial search engine registration.  

Optional QuickBooks Interface
MemberLeap can be set up as the primary point of entry for all transactions (member dues, renewals, event registration, store purchases, online learning costs, etc.). By using the interface, it is simple to export these invoices and payments (or sales receipts) to QuickBooks by creating parallel transactions of equal amounts and dates in QuickBooks.   

There is a $35 monthly customer support fee, which is included in the Platinum MemberLeap Plan.

Add $875 to Total below

Add $875 to Total below

Add $875 to Total belowAdd $875 to Total below
Optional Mobile Application
It allows your members easy access to various modules and features (including many event registration features) on iOS through iTunes and Android through Google Play.

There is a $15 monthly customer support, maintenance, and basic upgrade fee, which is included in the Platinum MemberLeap Plan.

Also, clients will need to enroll in the Apple Developer Membership Program, which requires a $99 per year membership fee; however, if your organization is a non-profit, accredited educational institution, or government entity, you might qualify for their fee waiver program

Add $1,400 to Total below

Add $300 for Push Notifications to Total below

Add $1,400 to Total below

Add $300 for Push Notifications to Total below

Mobile App included

Add $300 for Push Notifications to the Total below

Mobile App included

Add $300 for Push Notifications to the Total below
Total Package Price
(one-time initial setup cost)
$2,850$4,350$5,850Starting at $7,350
Integration Package OptionsStandard
  • 50% of Total Initial Setup Cost is due at signing and remaining 50% will be invoiced 90 days thereafter
  • Please let us know if you are interested in talking with a Membership Solution Consultant who can customize a package to fit your budget.
  • Pricing effective March 31, 2018, subject to change
  • This pricing is in US dollars

Monthly MemberLeap Plans

After deciding which MemberLeap package above your organization can most benefit from, you need to determine which monthly MemberLeap Plan includes the features you are looking for.

MemberLeap Plans