CRM System


The CRM System is used to track your contact (interaction) with donors.  With this tool, you can record your emails, visits, and phone calls with your donors, you can also report on these contacts.  This can also be used for recording historical data such as, membership plan history, committees previously served on, etc.

Contact Tracking - You can track individual contacts with a member or prospect.  This could include phone calls, emails, messages, mailings, walk-ins, personal meetings, or any other contacts you make.

Auto Recording Contacts - Emails, renewal notifications, newsletters, drip-marketing messages, and more can be set up to automatically be recorded as a contact, so that you can have an at-a-glance look at the interaction you've made with a given member or prospect.

Mass Contacts - You can add members by Member Type or Category (if they are enabled).  It will preview those records that will be added a mass contact, remove individual members from the list if you want to make any exceptions, and then click a continue button to move on to the page where you specify the details of the contact (i.e. meeting with several members).

Temperature Sensing - have a quick sense of where you stand with your members and prospects in terms of temperature (hot/warm/cold).

Reminders - A reminder in the CRM system to take action in the future.  This will help you establish a pattern of repeated contact with a donor or prospective donor.  These can be set up for an individual record so you are reminded to reach out to that person when the time is right.