About PAC

Established in 2009, our PAC is a voluntary, nonprofit, political organization, unincorporated and Defined in Section 527(e)(1) of IRS Code  of 1954 as: a political organization as a party, committee, association, fund or other organization (whether or not incorporated), organized and operated primarily for the purpose of accepting contributions or making expenditures, or both, for an exempt function.
  • Our goal is to promote personal and financial participation of its members in the elective process at the state level of government.
  • We have no party affiliation and are non-partisan
  • We utilize the funds raised to support candidates for nomination or election to state elective offices and we follow all rules around political action
  • We financially segregate all donations from Council and Foundation accounts
  • PAC Trustees help to raise funds for distribution to candidates by soliciting contributions for member agency staff, Board members, and their family members.
  • Those who contribute to the PAC are considered members for that year

Staff and board members–and their family members–of Arizona Council member agencies are eligible to make contributions to the PAC. You can easily do that using Pay Pal HERE. Or mail a check (Arizona Council Political Action Committee) to 2100 North Central, Suite 225, Phoenix, AZ 85004.  

We appreciate your support!