
PASWHA is the lead organization that supports the professional growth and development of HIV social workers and allied professionals, promotes the evidence-informed practice, and advances equitable and just policies to end the HIV & AIDS epidemic.

As leaders in the field of HIV Social Work, PASWHA strives to end the HIV & AIDS epidemic by promoting social justice and equity through all forms of social work practice.


May 24-27, 2023

35th National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS

(Washington, DC)

PASWHA Member spotlight

 Carmen Julious, LISW-CP &AP, Chief Executive Officer Palmetto AIDS Life Support Service 

Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services (PALSS) was established in 1985 as the first non-governmental organizational response to AIDS in South Carolina. The agency is located in Columbia, the state capital of South Carolina and the largest city in Richland County. Richland County historically has ranked highest for rates of HIV and AIDS in South Carolina, according to data maintained by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. PALSS‘ current mission is to provide education, health, housing, and human services to persons living with and communities affected by chronic illness with a historical focus on HIV and AIDS. PALSS provides housing services including short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance, food pantry, transportation, community-based counseling and testing for HIV/STI/Hepatitis/COVID19, medical case management, outreach, linkage to care, primary HIV/STI/Hepatitis care, COVID-19 vaccine and pharmacy assistance to a variety of populations.