June 2018 Newsletter
Reminder: Please join us for our June Luncheon on Thursday June 14th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, at Heritage Sandy Springs. Jen Jordan, lawyer legislator, representing part of Sandy Springs, will be speaking to us about what went on under the gold dome this year.As a reminder the cost of lunch at the meeting is $15.00 for members and $20.00 for guests.
We had a great speaker on polygraphs last month, Steve Duncan. He tried to answer all of our questions but I know he did not get to all of them. He said he would be more than happy to answer more questions, his contact information is 706-506-0830 or sduncan071@gmail.com. He also highly recommends the website for the American Polygraph Association.
I would like to thank our sponsors for the Judges’ Luncheon: I would also like to thank our current annual sponsors: Dues for 2018 are now due and are $75.00. They can be paid by check, made payable to “Sandy Springs Bar Association” and mailed to P.O. Box 76383, Sandy Springs, GA 30358 or the below paypal link:
Upcoming Events:
- June 14, 2018 – Monthly Luncheon, Jen Jordan, GA. Senate
- August 9, 2018 – Monthly Luncheon
- September 13,2018 – Monthly Luncheon
- October 11, 2018 – Monthly Luncheon
- November 8, 2018 – Monthly Luncheon
- December 2018 – Holiday Party