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Are you struggling to find and retain talented employees? It is no secret that many businesses today are facing a labor shortage. Lisa Schaffer from the North American Trade Schools in Maryland explains how you can successfully attract entry-level employees and ways to keep them around.

This presentation was originally part of NARSA/IDEA’s 2023 Spring Conference hosted by Empire Radiator in Rochester, New York.

Speaker Bio:

Lisa Schaffer, North American Trade Schools​
As Director of Career Services at North American Trade Schools in Woodlawn, Maryland, Lisa Schaffer assists students obtain and maintain employment by providing employment readiness strategies through an ongoing career search. She uses the school’s resources, industry contacts, and networking opportunities to place students in blue collar trades.

She is the wife and mother of blue collar workers and believes in the value and relevance of today’s blue collar workers. She is personally involved with the placement of students and realizes the importance of training, hiring and continuing to train today’s and tomorrow’s blue collar workforce. Lisa will give our attendees to the Spring Conference some insight to today’s workforce hiring environment and how to navigate hiring for the future. Every business’s success depends on the ability to acquire top talent and keep that talent. Find out what the job market is really like from a professional who is living it every day.