This webinar was originally held on March 4, 2021.


How can you get verifiable DPF cleanings regardless of the brand of machine you’re using? During this session, you’ll learn the best steps to have a repeatable DPF cleaning program no matter what type of brand of cleaning equipment you have. 


Russ Tuckerman has been in the DPF industry since 2007 with Emissions Retrofit Group until 2014 when purchased by DES in 2014. Russ has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Connecticut.  He has designed and installed DPF retrofits in the on-road and off-road market. He currently is the Engineering and UL Shop Manager at Diesel Emissions Service and spends his days designing and manufacturing equipment for DPF cleaning. Previously Russ worked in engineering for a manufacturer of lifeboats for off-shore oil rigs.  He would pick long walks in the woods over the beach any day.
“Repeatable DPF Cleaning Ensuring Quality” was sponsored by Filtertherm