Tennessee Academy of Science

Information for Section Chairs


A list of 2023 Section Chairs can be found here.

Section Chair Responsibilities

1. If there is not enough time for all of the presentations, additional sections will need to be created, each hosted by a Section Chair (these people will need to be identified).

2. The Section Chair will have co-hosting abilities for their sessions

3. The Section Chair will need to hold an election for the new Section Chair at the start of the oral section meeting.

4. The Section Chair is responsible for the timing of each presentation.

5. Section Chairs need to be familiar with Zoom in order to remove someone from a session, restrict people from sharing screen, how to mute someone, manage waiting room, set up Zoom session so everyone is muted by default.

6. Section Chairs should encourage presenters to practice presenting in Zoom, sharing screen, etc.

7. Record sections (will not be distributed but available for review if needed).

8. Section chairs to announce 3:00 pm award session at beginning and end of poster and oral sessions.

Annual Meeting Coordinator Responsibilities